
Hello and welcome to my brand new site. I have in fact owned this site URL since 2009 but have not used it until now.

I will be writing about my experiences as I learn from probably the best internet marketing mentor on the web, John Thornhill. I am really looking forward to working with him and his team. The course I am taking is his Partnership to Success course. Where I will be mentored and helped by John to create and launch my first product. I have bought many products before including 390 make money and marketing products on WarriorPlus, 602 products from JVZoo, 40 from click bank. I even paid 2 well know marketers $3000.00 for mentoring and training and did not earn a penny.

So on with the adventure and I look forward to sharing my marketing experiences with you.

So please come back again and visit me to see how I am doing.